Somewhere Else I

Installation, 2008
Ink-jet prints, polystyrene, staples, pins, h: 120cm, w: 280cm, d: 350cm

Somewhere Else is an installation made of photographs collected from the web, which have been assembled to create a three-dimensional collage to create an ideal and virtual landscape. The work refers to the photographic medium and its use, questioning the type of imageries it generates and how they are spread in the media. It is also an allusion to the photogenic...

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Installation, 2008
Ink-jet prints, polystyrene, staples, pins, h: 120cm, w: 280cm, d: 350cm

Somewhere Else is an installation made of photographs collected from the web, which have been assembled to create a three-dimensional collage to create an ideal and virtual landscape. The work refers to the photographic medium and its use, questioning the type of imageries it generates and how they are spread in the media. It is also an allusion to the photogenic...

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